Sniper Shoots
The Keystone Sniper Shoots are held on the fourth Sunday of each month year round except for November. Weather is not an issue. Signups are in the clubhouse and the start time for the first group is 9am. The cost of each shoot is $5.00.
The Keystone Sniper Range is a walking course through the valley with steel plate targets set at ranges varying from 30 to 300 yards. Each shot offers a different challenge of range, angle, or shooting position. Course set up is 12 targets with a maximum of two shots per target. Scoring is expressed as hit percentage per shot. 1 shot 1 kill for all targets is a perfect score of 1 (one). All other scores are shown as less than one. Hits divided by shots. Any center fire rifle can be fit into one of the 8 different classes. "Bring what you got".
Keystone Sniper Classes:
MSBS - Military/military clone - Small Bore (.243" and under) - Scoped (optics of any kind)
MBBS - Military/military clone - Big Bore (over .243") - Scoped (optics of any kind)
MSBO - Military/military clone - Small Bore (.243" and under) - Open ; iron sights (peep or buckhorn)
MBBO - Military/military clone - Big Bore (over .243") - Open ; iron sights (peep or buckhorn)
SSBS - Sporting rifle/sporterized military - Small Bore (.243" and under) - Scoped (optics of any kind)
SBBS - Sporting rifle/sporterized military - Big Bore (over .243") - Scoped (optics of any kind)
SSBO - Sporting rifle/sporterized military -Small Bore (.243" and under) - Open ; iron sights (peep or buckhorn)
SBBO - Sporting rifle/sporterized military - Big Bore (over .243") - Open ; iron sights (peep or buckhorn)
For more information on the Sniper Shoots, please contact Dennis Chapin by phone @ 570-204-0437 or email